Parenting Classes
Todos Juntos Parenting Academy—Classes in English and Spanish!
Children are not born with a set of directions. Which means all parents can benefit from parent education. Todos Juntos Parenting Academy offers several classes a year in rural Clackamas County. Parenting skills are crucial to children's well-being and development. Research shows that parenting education can strengthen and support families in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Effective parenting skills also promote protective factors and increase positive parenting. Improving parent and child skills is critical in developing whole communities. Join one of our classes to connect with other families for peer support, increase your knowledge on ages and stages of development, gain knowledge in how to handle stress in positive ways, manage behavior issues, and apply positive discipline techniques. There is no such thing as a perfect parent: learn how to have the tools in your tool box to deal with parenting when it gets hard. Parent education not only strengthens the parent child relationship, but also strengthens your communication skills with all people.
Quotes from Parents that have taken our classes.
“It's amazing how these skills have helped me in my work place as well as with my family. I handle stress and situations that occur in a positive way now."
”I feel like I am a better listener with my children and also stay
calmer when they have disputes.”
”This class has increase my communication skills with my spouse and helped our marriage as well as helped me be a more patient parent."
For registration and more information on the current classes, please visit our Events Calendar, or contact our parenting education coordinator Ann Schweitzer-Johnson, or Shawna Johnson. or
Para asistencia en español, por favor comuniquese con Jovanna Leon
We currently have certified facilitators in the following evidence-based curriculums:
Active Parenting of Teens Class
Active Parenting 4th Edition
The First Five Years
Make Parenting a Pleasure
Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors)
Parenting Now
Strengthening Families
Parenting Inside Out
Nurturing Families
Our Parenting Education Series are brought to you at no-cost due to the generous funding from Clackamas Parenting Together and Department of Early Learning and Care.